יום שלישי, 23 באפריל 2013

Happy Face :)

To the ones who wondered - yeah, the Anatomy test was great. I got 85%.
Well, It's good for me, because even though I talked about this test for...two week (?), the truth is that I started to learn about two days ago.
Mmmm....okay, not two days...four.
I've got this hobbie, drawing, painting ect'...I'm not that good, but I'm trying.
I have a book, named "Drawing for Dummies" and it's quite good
One of the first exersice on the book is to draw an eye, and to shadow it.
I did two eyes, and because I was bored and thought that adding one thing or two can be fun, so I got this:

Cute, huh?
It's not much, but it's a beginning.

I have more drawings, but most of them are "copied". I mean - I look at a anima character, or cartoon character and draw it. Sometimes my drawing looks exactly like the original like here:
Or a bit different, like here:

I still have a lot to learn...yeah. a lot.

Okay then.
That's it for today. I'll go catch some sleep.

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